8:30 am
Babies – PreK
Room 101
Kindergarten – 6th Grade
Room 204
“The PATH” (Preschoolers Adventuring Toward Him)
People learn more in their first five years of life than they do in their entire lifetime. It is important that we fill this great time of learning with age-appropriate biblical truths. Our Preschool Ministry seeks to provide quality, age-appropriate biblical instruction to preschoolers in the safest manner possible. It is our desire that all children would learn to love God and begin a strong spiritual foundation.
“The LOFT” (Living Out Faith Truths)
Our Children’s Ministry exists to provide children and their families a spiritual support system in which they can grow in their knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. Children have the opportunity to learn about God and build a strong spiritual foundation. It is our goal that every child involved in our ministry would develop a lifelong relationship with the Savior.
Check-In Stations – For safety, all preschool and children are entered into our InSYNC program and parents/guardians must check their child in upon arrival. Children, birth – second grade must be checked out by a parent/guardian.
Bible study provides children with the opportunity to learn about God, His Word and the relationship
He desires to have with us through faith in His son, Jesus Christ.
Babies – PreK
Room 101
Kindergarten – 6th Grade
Room 204
Room 100
One & Two Year Olds
Room 102
Room 103
Room 104
Room 208
First Grade
Room 201
Second Grade
Room 202
Third Grade
Room 205
Fourth Grade
Room 203
Fifth – Sixth Grade – Girls
Room 206
Fifth – Sixth Grade – Boys
Room 207
Students are dismissed to find their parents at the end of Bible study.
Please communicate where they should meet you.
Preschool Extended Session is for preschoolers, birth – 4 years old is provided during the 11:00 worship hour.
All students participating in Children Ministry events, must have a medical release on file.
Any question, please call the church office. Thank you
Children’s Ministry Medical Release